
I, Benjamin Goes, am a second-year student at Albany Law School.  Before law, however, I studied economics, and taught it for a while at the university level.  Economics is my true passion, but I do appreciate the analytical mind that my legal training has provided.  My areas of expertise within economics include the history of economic thought and the theory of value.  I am also interested in the social aspects of the science, such as the social harmony produced by the division of labor and the conflict resolution provided by property rights.  Other subjects of interest to me are education, philosophy, history, politics, and love.  Additionally, like Hobbes, I have a fetish for the definitions of words.

Although I serve as a research coordinator for the EMC2 program, I have decided this year to do a project along with the students, so that they have something of an example to look at, and to demonstrate that I won't ask anything of them that I wouldn't do myself.  Through my project I will attempt to develop a theory of being human based on the idea of purposeful human action. I expect that my writing will often touch upon topics that my students are dealing with, as that will be where my thoughts are, also.  My thoughts on education will likely also appear on this site as I struggle with the design and implementation of the EMC2 program.

EMC2 is an independent inquiry program at Guilderland High School wherein students are given an opportunity to learn about and contribute to a topic of their choice for a full year, with a coordinator/advisor providing close support and individualized feedback.  The goal of the program is to develop the students' critical thinking, questioning, and argumentation skills.  The program was created to fill a perceived gap in the standard school curriculum, to change the focus for students from learning content to the learning process itself.  As a result, the program seeks to help the students grow in their thinking abilities, not necessarily meet a certain expectation for their projects.

Feel free to contact me with questions, comments, requests, or news by emailing me at benjamin.goes@gmail.com.