Friday, November 3, 2017

J22a - Questions Journal: Goes' Market Environmentalism

Is climate change real? What are some of the specific threats posed by climate change? How exactly are we acting to prevent or reverse climate change? How much money is being spent on climate change research and response? Are there any entrepreneurs who are already capitalizing on the opportunities that you’re talking about? Are any big foundations or governments making investments with an eye towards the effects of climate change? What other environmental issues need to be reconsidered in light of the theory you're presenting here?

Why don’t you address the issue of externalities in your SDA on price theory? Isn’t the climate the ultimate public good? Isn’t the market incapable of providing public goods? How can the market work when environmental goods like the ocean and the air and forests don’t have prices? Are you saying that they’re not valuable if they don’t have a price? Why don’t they have a price? Should they have a price, since they’re so important? If the market is so powerful, why didn’t it prevent climate change in the first place? How would a socialist society handle these problems? 

Doesn’t responding to climate change require a concerted effort from everyone? Can’t only the government force everyone to act in the right way? Can’t the ideas you’re advocating be implemented by governments just as well, if not better, than they could by private individuals? If not, why not? Since you admitted that laws are needed to the market to function properly, aren’t you admitting that government is necessary for the market to function? Does it actually hurt to have the government fighting climate change, even if we should also prepare for its effects? 

Why haven’t I heard your definition of economics before? Are there other accepted definitions that you’ve recast? Why exactly were the accepted definitions unsatisfactory?  What other paradigms, besides the view of climate change, are you actually going to attack through your project? Why do you think people have this current view of climate change in their heads? What’s the best way of spreading your view?

What does it mean to say that the human mind is the source of meaning in the universe? Do things not exist without us (is this some philosophical point about trees falling in the forest)? How can we be opposed to nature if we are products of nature? Isn’t that a narcissistic view of humanity? What about animal rights? How can we objectively say that humans are worth more than the rest of nature? Are you saying that? What are other implications of the subjective theory of value? What does that mean for the practical aspect of your project? 

Does your project have a practical aspect? What’s one tangible opportunity presented by climate change? How do we take advantage of that opportunity? What will the world look like in twenty years? Fifty years? How will it look differently depending on whether we do what you recommend or not? Are we seeing changes already? What does seeing climate change as an economic opportunity actually mean/look like? How likely is this to happen? How will changes in technology affect the climate change debate and response?

How exactly are you going to sell this as a better view of climate change than the one we currently have? Is it a better view, or merely a different view? How important is this? How can you relate your project to other students’ projects? What will your end product look like?

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